Karolina Dziunikowska practices homeopathic medicine in Toronto, Canada. In her work, Karolina Dziunikowska uses homeopathic principles and remedies to help patients stimulate their own healing capacities. Homeopathy is the practice of using naturally-derived medicinal therapies in highly diluted forms. Practitioners of homeopathy generally focus on three key principles as they help patients heal themselves. The first principle of homeopathy is “let likes cure likes,” which dates back to Hippocrates. Homeopathic practitioners use this principle to match the characteristics of a homeopathic remedy to a symptom a patient is experiencing. The second principle is known as “the single remedy.” In homeopathy, only one remedy is typically administered at a time. Each remedy has a unique set of properties that may be unpredictably impacted by other remedies. The third principle relies on using “the minimum dose.” Homeopathic remedies use the weakest possible concentration of acti...
Homeopathic Practitioner in Toronto, Ontario