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Showing posts from July, 2016

The Urban Cultivator for Indoor Greens

A homeopathic practitioner based in Toronto, Canada, Karolina Dziunikowska treats disease using natural substances. She is also dedicated to healthy meal preparation, and to help her in this effort, Karolina Dziunikowska relies on her beloved Urban Cultivator . An upscale alternative to outdoor herb gardens or indoor growing operations that require full-spectrum fluorescent lights, the Urban Cultivator fits into existing kitchen counter space and uses existing power and water systems. It is roughly the size of a dishwasher and can be installed in a similar manner. The Urban Cultivator company also sells a larger unit that can double as a kitchen island. Both units allow homeowners to grow a variety of herbs, vegetables, and microgreens. Many restaurants and cooking mavens such as Martha Stewart have also benefited from the Urban Cultivator. The Urban Cultivator’s mission is to provide fresh and healthy food to families of all kinds while reducing their overall carbon footprints. Med