A homeopathic practitioner by profession, Karolina Dziunikowska is an avid scuba diver in her free time. Karolina Dziunikowska has earned her open water diver certification and enjoys the colors and the feeling of calm that she experiences while diving . The experienced diver knows that each excursion requires safety, preparation, and active participation. This begins with caring properly for one's equipment and checking before each dive to ensure that all required equipment is available. All divers should know how to get to any necessary equipment while underwater and how to examine it regularly for potential leaks or indications of wear. Once under the water, the diver must continue to make responsible decisions. New and experienced divers alike should know their limits and stay within them. This may mean a diver's decision not to dive if he or she is congested, tired, or otherwise ill. Divers should be particularly aware of their cardiovascular health and undergo regular ...
Homeopathic Practitioner in Toronto, Ontario